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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Airbus A380

No doubt, the Airbus A380 the world largest airplane took the largest passenger to lift off the runaway few days ago. It consists of four Rolls Royce engines—which each provide about 70,000 lbs. of thrust. Airbus A380 model number 007, is configured to hold 520 passengers, sounds scary eh ? It sounds like the The Unbeatable Titanic that brought such big number of passengers sunk within one night.

The cabin noise level is about 50% less than what you would experience on a 747. It's build in a two deck architecture where business class is designed to be on the top deck and economy class at the bottom deck. The top deck is no doubt more spacious and more comfortable. They promised to give a more than a four-star hotel service for the top deck. In that case, the top deck would definitely much much much more expensive than the bottom deck. They have a bar inside as well ! I was wondering, if in future they will build a swimming pool inside a Airbus...hehehehe...

Watch their video for more detail ... There is also a video showing how it was assembled, very interesting ! A MUST WATCH video !

So, start saving money today so that when they launched this A380 in Malaysia, we will be able to fly together !


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