A place where I can share my thoughts and life experiences...

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Woe to Advertlets !

I was about to view my blog today and found that I was redirected to a missing domain page "www.adbaaz.com". I think Advertlets had forgotten to renew their domain - what a shame ! This is really bad for a e-business website. Whatever it is, I have already removed mine from my template. So if your blog(Blogger.com) is redirected, you need to click your "Sign In" link as quickly as you can spot them on your top right. After signing in, remove the advertlets link from your template and that's it. What a "good" start for Advertlets ;) I need to make sure they pay me my portion when the site is up :D


Ok, now their site is up. But I couldn't signin into my account ! There goes my money ~ !! :( It says that my account is currently inactive :'( Any laws to protect bloggers regarding this issue ? But I am not sure how can I sign in to my account.

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...and they're back ! :) thanks Advertlets.com for the fixes.




Anonymous Anonymous said...


What is the exact nature of the error message that says your account is inactive? Don't worry, all member data especially earnings is retained, there was no data loss.

8:08 PM  
Blogger Roland Yau said...

wow, this is really fast. How do you trace my post ? Or are you really from Advertlets.com support ? prove it !

8:11 PM  
Blogger Pink Cotton said...

yaloh yaloh

i quickly removed mine...sien si!

10:34 PM  

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