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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Whose fault ?

I had my great lunch at home with my relatives and was driving happily to work this afternoon. While driving back to work, suddenly something strike my mind and I just can't resist it, guess what ? It is...
feel like want to swim inside it without considering what ppl would think of me...
...then I went to buy this ! not too bad from afar.
When I get a closer look and keep rubbing my eyes, and I found a small creature in my food :( I guess he is lonely.
not only that, my food is surrounded by spider web fungus ! what the hack !?

Whose fault is this ? Is it me who is too greedy and that's why God stopped me ? or blame Cadbury for not keeping them properly ? or the shop owner for not checking the expiry date !? But definitely not the shop owner's fault, cause I checked the expiry date and it's not yet the end of its expiry. So, whose fault !?



Blogger Huei said...

Ew ew ew!!!!

Go sue Cadbury or something, how can they sell stuff like that!!

I'm not so craving for chocolate anymore >.<

Hehe luckily you didn't eat it!!

2:18 PM  
Blogger Roland Yau said...

Huei, LOL! yeah, but I will let them go this time... :p

6:18 PM  
Blogger 13th Panda said...

Its a hint actually from above..

means u r too fat liao..cannot eat more fattening food!LOL!!

9:27 PM  

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